Ticket priority levels

The purpose of this article is to establish guidelines for ticket priorities.

There are 4 ticket priorities listed as options in tickets.

  • Critical
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

Care should be taken to select the proper priority for ticket entries.  This will guide the initial actions of the Tech Team.  Please take a moment to review all of these priority definitions.



~75% of tickets will be low priority.  This does not mean that your ticket is not important.  It just means that the ticket is not one that requires immediate attention. Tech Team will generally respond to Low priority tickets within 24 hours.  Work on the ticket may not commence immediately.  Tickets will be assigned a due date based on the nature of the ticket.


  • Longer term projects
  • Updates to website content.
  • Individual issues with non-critical platforms.
  • Infastructure upgrades.
  • Hardware requests.

Typical response time: 24 hrs

Action time: Varies



~ 20% of tickets will be medium priority.  Issues that affect day to day operations such as computer login issues, printing, inability to use hardware due to material issue, etc.  If you aren't sure whether a ticket should be Medium or Low, it is likely Low.


  • Cannot login to computer, gmail, microsoft, etc.
  • Password resets
  • Cannot print
  • Important equipment non-functional (printers, cameras, bitwarden, etc.)

Typical response time: 12 hrs

Action time: usually within 48 hours, depending on the issue



~ 5% of tickets will be high priority.  Issues that have an immediate and detrimental affect on WHOLE church operations could be considered high priority.  Generally, high priority issues hinder the ENTIRE church's ability to use various platforms.


  • Website is inaccessible.
  • Giving platform not working for anyone.
  • Check-in computers inoperable.
  • Cannot connect to internet on CRITICAL device (service streaming, security, etc.)

Typical response time: 2 hours

Action time: usually within 8 hours



Very few tickets will ever be critical priority.  Critical priority issues pose an immediate threat of equipment damage, personal injury, significant cost to church operations, or significant cyber security threat.  All Critical priority tickets shall be followed up with a phone call to the IT Team.  Most critical tickets will be submitted retroactively.  This means that the IT Team will submit a critical ticket after the initial response is complete.  The purpose of the ticket would then be to document actions taken to remediate the issue, in case we needed to reference them at a later date.


  • Internet service stops for entire church during critical operations (i.e. major church event or services)
  • Ransomware attach

Typical response and action time: Immediate

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09/09/2024 12:41 pm
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